Teaser Trailers of the road trip

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The Route

All cash Ready

All necessary currencies should be available with me..
I left only 2 Bahraini Dinars for the Causeway fees...

The day Before

Applying a mixture of dust and water to create a protection skin for the car while driving in the desert. The Desert Sand work as a Sand Blasting that damage the car body and parts.

The headlights are covered too, but it will be wiped of with water when it get dark..

You only need this while crossing the Saudi Desert...

Driving on King Fahad Causway to Saudi Arabia

Driving on the way to Saudi Arabia, and listing to Saudi Aramco Studio 1FM...

Petrol Station in Saudi Arabia

i wish i can take extra tank of fuel with me, as the fuel is Saudi Arabia is the lowest in price compared to the places i will be visiting soon..

Temprature 44.5C = 112 F

Just enjoying the sites as you cross the Saudi Desert... and the Temperature is 44.5C = 112F